StoneMader Paper Co. is passionate about providing you with gorgeous journals made of Stone Paper. Our Stone Paper is made from recycled limestone and rolled smooth with a resin. As our journals are not made with cellulose wood fibers it is much smoother than paper made from wood, and free of pulp and fibers. Our journals use no acid, bleach or optical brighteners in its production. And we only use about 10% of water that wood paper uses.
Stone paper Journals are striking. The first time you sketch or write on it you will want all your journals to be made of Stone Paper. Just a blank page turner of stone cold smoothness, as your words flow seamlessly from mind and heart to posterity.
The enhanced journal writing experience, the unique attributes of our paper, the way it enhances your ability to get thoughts from your head and emotions from your heart, written in stone, forever. Oh, and yeah, it’s way better for the environment!
Whatever your story, StoneMader is glad it will be written in stone.